Hey guys!!
how you been doing? well, we jus recently had our Singspiration last fri! and it was AWESOME!!
Speaker was speaking on faith, and jus how we can increase and walk by God, despite how ridiculous things may sound.
here's some pics!:)

Dan P on the drums...

Sherlyn on rhythm... Jerry on the bass...

Jo on the lead guitar...

Aaron Lee as emcee! lol.
"my son received a mansion, sports cars, and a whole company..." :P

The crowd!

Next to me, Mr Reuben Ponniah!!

Songleaders for the day: Nik Shim and Daniel Ng!

Mr Reuben Ponniah... he's an ex-ACS-ian you knw? 1999!
jus go to the entrance, b4 you leave, look left on the boards...

Sherlyn and Chiew Hong supposed to be LISTENING to the sermon....... :)

Deep in hearing? first time wei.. :)

here's Don and Ball. i mean, Nicholas. LOL.

Ball and Aaron. haha! jus cant get over it!

can i trust you to catch me if i fell back? NO... :P

Time of prayer...

Joined as one Union... joined as one school...

haha! din hav pics of me giving the speaker his gift. lol.
Singspiration was AWESOME. you shoulda been ther.
great stuff. rmb! this fri, emcee and music training! i'm sure you guys are inspired to learn some instruments now rite? NOWS UR CHANCE!
jus come to me for more details!
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