CAMPORAMA 09! jus in case u din manage to sign up by the dateline, dateline has been EXTENDED to the end of the week! to sign up, contact Daniel Ng(017-2006068) or Sherlyn Wong(017-6078337)
Matthew 11:25 daily Bible verse: Clearly shows Jesus is not God but the Father is God and savior.
Jesus knew this two thousand years-ago, the so call believers will sideline God the Holy Spirit our Father and worship him a man as God.
The wise and prudent Christian using their coconut head in searching for the truth ended up worshiping man. An idolater, Scripture says end up in hell; meaning many, many and many so many by the millions Christian are in hell
Be like babe /children ask Holy Spirit for the truth not man /not flesh they give sugar coasted messages but the Holy Spirit the hidden truth of heaven belongs to God the Holy Spirit only the Spirit of Truth will be revealed them to babe /children.
Are you the wise and prudent who use your humanism, emotion and sentimentalism to reasoning, views, and opinion to churn up seemingly God's truth you are leading souls to hell their blood is in your hands.
So be children like a babe looking forward to Holy Spirit crying to him for spiritual food not of flesh/letters kills dead word. But God's inspired word that gives life and you grow spiritually. But by man's truth /letter kills gives spiritual death and the condition of your life speaks volume; suffering pain and oppression; fearful and worrisome no joy but hatred and etc.
God is Love We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is Love, and the one who abides in love abides in God and God in him.
-1 John 4:16
Verse of the Day.
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” -2 Peter 1:5-8
Our meetings are on every Friday, 12.35pm-2pm at 2 Budi. Its downstairs the 2nd class on ur left!
Note: Please be on the look out if there are cancellations to our meetings.
For more info, contact Josiah Hoi (5G) or Lee Zheng Yang (3Y).
Prayer Meetings
Wednesday's prayer meetings are held before school from 7:00am and its held at class 4 Gigih. Come not only for a time of fellowship with God, but with all of us as well. =D
Friday's prayer meets are held before CU meeting at 12.30pm. This is the time to commit the CU to God! It is held at 2 Budi and for more info, contact any commitee member.
Note: Friday prayer meetings are off when there is no CU meeting. :)
For more information, please contact Jason Tan (3G)
1 comment:
Matthew 11:25 daily Bible verse:
Clearly shows Jesus is not God but the Father is God and savior.
Jesus knew this two thousand years-ago, the so call believers will sideline God the Holy Spirit our Father and worship him a man as God.
The wise and prudent Christian using their coconut head in searching for the truth ended up worshiping man. An idolater, Scripture says end up in hell; meaning many, many and many so many by the millions Christian are in hell
Be like babe /children ask Holy Spirit for the truth not man /not flesh they give sugar coasted messages but the Holy Spirit the hidden truth of heaven belongs to God the Holy Spirit only the Spirit of Truth will be revealed them to babe /children.
Are you the wise and prudent who use your humanism, emotion and sentimentalism to reasoning, views, and opinion to churn up seemingly God's truth you are leading souls to hell their blood is in your hands.
So be children like a babe looking forward to Holy Spirit crying to him for spiritual food not of flesh/letters kills dead word. But God's inspired word that gives life and you grow spiritually. But by man's truth /letter kills gives spiritual death and the condition of your life speaks volume; suffering pain and oppression; fearful and worrisome no joy but hatred and etc.
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