Thursday, January 1, 2009

Beloved ACS

To all faithful readers of this blog out there,this might be my last post as Ms Blogger for the year*sob*As the new committee steps in,we'll be having a new blogger to update you guys on whats happening in the CU.

Looking back,I thank God for this CU.It may not be as jeng or hyper as other schools CU but it is full of warmth,laughter and food!haha...yes nuggets and french fries are our best buddies=)
I almost didn't made it to ACS for form 6 in fact I really wanted to go to STAR bt God had a different plan for me and here I am,having the best 1 and a half year of school.Trust me,enjoy every moment in school,make the best of it!CU was of course the main highlight of the week and in tht last hour of lessons before CU starts seems like the slowest moving hour.

Anyways,I'll be posting something thts really dear to me...(as you can read the title)
Throughout my time in school,I noticed something really special abt this sch.Plaques on the school walls tht are not only historical but also a testimony to the greatness of God.

I'll show you what I mean...
Hmm,read it again...dont you feel a sense of pride?It says its 'dedicated to the glory of God'.Not only tht,but to the 'education of youth'.Now,thts just the start...
Ok,Im sure most of you weren't even born during Mr D.R Daniel's time.(I dont even know who is he or whether he is still alive!)Haha,but he must have done sometime great for this school to have his name plastered on the wall for generations to see.So,for all of you out there,you want your name to be plastered on the wall too?Then love the school,take care of it(stop grafitti-ing it with your shoemarks!) and love the people in it!

P.S:Did you notice on the above column tht says the sch was 'direstui oleh Bishop'?Nowadays I doubt tht theres any bishops or pastors who are given the opportunity to bless a school in this country..

Alright...Im not so sure if you're able to read the plaque but it just says tht the building was opened by His Highness the Sultan of Selangor...Wow,not bad,eh.I bet most schools these days only get some pengawai frm the jabatan to come and officiate the building.ACS must be a really good school for it to be honoured in tht way.So,ppl,continue to make this school known k?But not for the wrong reasonsla please....

Take a good look at these 2 pictures.It is originally a very important piece of historical information and contains the name of a very cool person who officiated the school.But look at it now,you can barely read it without getting hurt by the obscene scribblings.It has been horribly disfigured by students who dont know how to appreciate the heritage of this century old school.

If you were to read it properly,you will find tht the very person tht you read in your history bokks has in fact,made a visit to our school,Sir Edward Gent!The Governor of Malayan Union.I know,I know.In history,he seemed to be the villain of our country by taking away the powers of the Sultans and well you know the story...However it still is an honour to receive the High Commisioner to our school.Again too,we notice the words 'education of youth'.

I dont know about you,but seeing it does make me feel really important and makes me wanna study hard.
So,I hope tht by now you will have a greater sense of love and pride towards the school.It is not just for ACSians but for everyone else in schools.God has placed you there for a purpose and tht is to make His name known.Be a good testimony in school and 'let your light shine before men'(Matt 5:16).

Thank God too for the missionaries that made the long and hard journey to Malaysia 100 years ago to set up these schools you see today.If it weren't for them,we wouldn't have had ACS,La Salle,Convent,MGS and the various other missionary schools tht you see today who have made a mark by being among the finest schools in Malaysia.More importantly also is tht by being missionary schools,we have the rights and privilege to have Christian Unions.Other schools do not have tht and instead of just being thankful only,let me challenge you to encourage and support the CF/CU in schools tht do not allow them to be official.Help those in need whether financially or just by visiting them.

As you walk down the corridors of this school,take time to look at these plaques.Appreciate this school and everything else tht it represents.Truly God loves this school and what we all can do,is to tell of His great love to others.

Have a great time in school and in CU for many more years to come!God Bless=)
To know more about the school's origins,check out:,_Klang

1 comment:

shanmugamlakshmanan said...

D.R. Daniel huh? The D.R. stands for Diamond Rajasingam, I always thought that was a cool name. I met this man a few years ago, he was 80 years old then, very senior.

Btw when I was in ACS, there was no graffiti on those stone slabs, must be new.

ACS rocks.