Hey Everyone, I'm so sorry that I have not updated this blog for over a year.... yea =P too long...
Anyways, CU started out pretty strong this year, and I think we probably have alot more people right now compared to last year ( yea, =( we didn't have that many people last year, maybe bout 5 of us ..... from the afternoon session and thats it... ).
As usual we have our introduction, and we visited the afternoon session. It was really fun as we played fun games and made lots of jokes. Yea =D it was so fun that our Publicity Coordinator couldn't control himself...... and now we have alot more people who enjoy having a great time in our CU meetings... which is every Friday at 12:35 - 1:30 that is. Alright, here's our committee of 2011. =D
President - Josiah Hoi
Vice President - Joanna
Secretary - Josiahnandan
Treasurer - Ernest Choong
Pray Coor. - Jason Tan
Praise & Worship Coor. - Lee Zheng Yang
Publicity coor. - Jason Chin
Form 5 rep - Chow Ming Wei
Form 4 rep - Edward Oon
Form 3 rep - Arun Raj
Alright, =) to what really happened during our visit to the Afternoon session. If I'm not mistaken, it was on the 7th of January on a Friday at around 5:00 p.m. =P yea.... so we wanted to correct what we did wrong last year..... no electic guitars or noisy drums. Yea it was so noisy last year that it turned out quite boring for the afternoon session .... so we did it old skool style.... just one guitar and the rest of us singing =). Its amazing that with just one small acoustic guitar and some committed singers ... it can make such a big difference.
As usual, we started with praise & worship and everyone had to stand up.... this time instead of people lining up..... we made sure everyone got to see the lyrics on the whiteboard so that everyone could follow.. =D
Yeap .... =) so that everyone can sing & enjoy.

This is when we're all excited what's going to happen next .... XD .... yeap!! Games!!!! oh yea, here's another game... see if you can guess whose body is in the background on the left side of this picture ... =P.

Now here's a good question .... or maybe a few good questions.. ...
What do you want to do with your life?
What's your occupation?
What is your dream?
Yeap.... that's pretty much what we did that day, hopefully i dint leave anything out...... =) ...... I'll let ya'll know more about what else we did so far....
May God Bless you all,
J.C =D